Thursday, August 21, 2014

Homemade laminate floor cleaner

I don't like toxins, so I really don't like the chemicals in many store bought cleaners. However, I still have to keep my home clean, right? So, I prefer to know exactly what I am putting on my floor, in order that the children and pets in my home are not exposed to any more harsh cleansers than necessary. Also, did you know that the quality of the air in our homes can be worse than that of outdoor air? One of the contributing factors to our air quality is household products. So, with all of that said, after my husband installed some new flooring in our home, I decided to find a recipe for cleaning it without the harsh chemicals. The recipe is simple and was found on


1/3 c rubbing alcohol
1/3 c white vinegar
1/3 c water


Mix together in a spray bottle. Squirt lightly onto the floors and wipe with a soft cloth. Make sure not to leave this or any other product on your floor for any length of time or you could damage your floors.

1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating article. I think I will be trying this recipe at home for my floors. I agree with you, it really is important to not put any extra chemicals in your home than need be, even for cleaning. I never realized our home air is worse than the outdoor air. That is scary. But really makes this recipe important!
