Monday, October 27, 2014

Homemade Almond Milk

We primarily drink water and almond milk in our home. So, making homemade almond milk is a great way to save money (especially buying almonds in bulk or at Costco) and it is always wonderful knowing exactly what you are putting in your body. This is so simple and so delicious. My favorite part is that it can turn into the most wonderful frothy topping to pour over hot tea! Occasionally, I'll treat myself to a chai tea with this almond milk recipe sweetened with honey and whipped with a little milk frother. Yum!!

3 - 4 cups water (3 cups for a more whole milk type flavor and 4 for a lighter milk)
1 cup soaked almonds

Cover almonds with water (approx. 2 cups) and soak overnight.
Drain and rinse almonds in the morning.
Put water and almonds into a Vitamix or high powered blender.
Blend until almonds are pulverized and the mixture is creamy.
Pour mixture into a nutmilk bag or over cheesecloth into a jar or container to store your almond milk.
Squeeze out almonds until the pulp is nearly dry.
Store almond milk in the refrigerator.
I find that mine is usually good for 7-10 days.

Additional step to use pulp for almond flour:
Pour almond pulp onto a baking sheet and dry in oven on low.
Return pulp to Vitamix and blend until a fine flour is created.

Here is a wonderful tutorial with some optional additions. The pictures are fantastic and Wellness Mama has an amazing blog for all sorts of things! Go check her out by clicking here.

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