Thursday, June 11, 2020

Homemade Corn Tortillas

Do you get tired of corn tortillas that crack when you fold them?
Or do you wish that you could recognize all the ingredients in your tortillas?

The solution is easier than you could imagine!

We went to our local Latino food market and picked up this lovely tortilla press for under $15!

Then, all you need is a bag of corn masa, water and salt (if you wish).

I found some videos of women who are much more experienced than I am to watch the process of making the dough, forming the balls, pressing and cooking. It really is quite simple, but I love a good video  (<-----click) to learn any tricks someone else may be able to pass on!

2 cups corn flour (masa harina)
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 t salt (optional)

Mix corn flour, water and salt with hands until the dough no longer sticks to your hands and has a playdough like consistency.
Pre-form the all the corn tortilla balls to make the process of pressing and cooking much faster.
Depending on the size of your press (mine is the smaller tortilla size), make your balls roughly the size of a golfball.
Line your press with parchment paper or a quart sized ziploc bag cut open so each half of the press has half of the ziploc to prevent the press from getting covered in dough.
Place one ball in the center of the press and use firm pressure to flatten the dough.
Peel the tortilla off of the plastic or parchment and place on a pre heated (medium high) pan for 1 minute on each size to lightly brown and cook through.
Cover the tortillas with a damp cloth as you finish the process of cooking all your tortillas.
Finally, enjoy delicious, soft, fresh tortillas without unnecessary added ingredients.

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